I can't wait until the election fraud is proved and someone (hopefully) puts together a collage of all the fake news media reports saying the election fraud was all lies. In fact I was wondering whether one of the reasons for delaying things was to gather as much ammunition against the fake news media to make them look really bad. Now that being said, it's hard for me to believe that anyone watches CNN, MSNBC, etc. as they've been lying for years and their bias is so obvious so for anyone still watching them not sure anything will get them to realize how fake they are.
This one should certainly be part of the collage:
TGP article:
which I guess references this video:
The fake news media has to be destroyed as they are the enemy of the people.
Even our Republican representatives will drag this audit results out until next year. Next year’s 2022, and why not use this as an opportunity to have people vote for you. See you look at me… Look what I did… I made sure the audit was done and then we revealed the results, right before it’s time to vote for me… It’s also obvious and sickening to me anymore that includes Wendy Rogers, Karen fan, and the lakes. The last excuse was somebody had Covid or two people had Covid. So next it will be the dog my homework. Mark my words there will be no results to this audit until after December 2021. Come back to this later once I’m proven right.!
They are all the same… Every single one of them
Well I sure hope you're wrong about nothing coming out until after December 2021, but I guess I wouldn't be totally surprised if you were correct. I'm still holding out hope that there are some good patriotic representatives, but certainly the government job seems to corrupt most.
I’m glad you still have hope. Keep holding onto that
I'm trying but my external drive is full and new one won't be in until Friday.