21 = Satan's very first task, along with his demons, is to lead people into war and rebellion against all that is Holy. After a short period of time, God executes His final judgment against the Satanic forces by consuming them in fire (Revelation 20:10).
777 = in proclaiming the arrival of God's beautiful new headquarters city when his plan of salvation is complete. It is one of the seven angels who implemented one of the seven vials that contained mankind's seven last plagues who shows John the New Jerusalem coming from heaven (Revelation 21:9).
7+7+7 =21 =777
The beginning of our new age.
21 = Satan's very first task, along with his demons, is to lead people into war and rebellion against all that is Holy. After a short period of time, God executes His final judgment against the Satanic forces by consuming them in fire (Revelation 20:10).
777 = in proclaiming the arrival of God's beautiful new headquarters city when his plan of salvation is complete. It is one of the seven angels who implemented one of the seven vials that contained mankind's seven last plagues who shows John the New Jerusalem coming from heaven (Revelation 21:9).
17 17 17
God bless you all!