I’m in college right now. I have enough water for maybe a week or two (assuming I don’t share with roommates lol which would be quite the moral conundrum) but if the shortages last more than a week I doubt I can rely on the meal halls. Basically, urban settings are going to get absolutely fucked by this. Still, widespread food shortages would at least indicate that things are finally going down, because either the cabal starves us or the white hats act.
I’m in college right now. I have enough water for maybe a week or two (assuming I don’t share with roommates lol which would be quite the moral conundrum) but if the shortages last more than a week I doubt I can rely on the meal halls. Basically, urban settings are going to get absolutely fucked by this. Still, widespread food shortages would at least indicate that things are finally going down, because either the cabal starves us or the white hats act.
get some ready to drink meal replacement drinks.
or high calorie ensure.