Why am I here? Here is why and this is what I saw.
That Day - the day the world is changed.
The Day that marks the end of the brutality of their power.
The Day the menace is finally gone.
The Day when so light we will feel as the burden is removed from our collective shoulders, gone from off our collective backs.
Humanity will soar like never before, humans are super human and we reagin connection with our true power.
Imagine seeing this, this shining bright wonderful future?
That is what I saw. Therefore I could come here to deliver the insight. During a time when events do seem really dark , they are not darker, believe me. They are so much brighter. They really are. It will make sense. Read on.
First, I realise that being here now sharing this past future insight, that it can help to reaffirm and validate what you are feeling and why you are here, like I am here, if things feel tougher and harder, and you have lost connection, well you have lost connection really with the old world that is dying, because you are connecting with the new world coming.
We are here via our unique God given trajectories, but we are here is all that matters, we will experience as I have seen the same end and new beginning, where the present and current fears will no longer be able to exist ever again. That is what the complete removal of this Menace represents.
Many things will remain the same except one thing that makes all those things suddenly very different in an enhanced way, is the tangible absence of the presence of this parasitical menace.
The menace will be gone - Can you imagine that outcome?
Many of the keywords in this message are from the past vision of this future. So had I told you then, well here is the problem, I could not actually tell you any sooner.
I could not make this specific post here because GAW didn't exist, Q didn't exist, Trump wasn't even president let alone running as a candidate - so many things didn't exist, so how could I tell the you back then? Tell you, which is probably not even the same you then as the you right now reading this, ask yourself did you current self exist back then, are you still you as you were then, would that old you really believed one random anon soul on the internet if you could even find them?
You might be wondering when is then?
It's many years ago, read on and I hope it connects even resonates, as you read these words you will sense it I am sure.
Reality is really changing and you are now in that change. No turning back!
I was thinking about making this post for a long time but oddly never could quite get into it, and then a few days ago I realised, there is a simple way to set our focus onan outcome that makes sens of what I saw.
Imagine, one day, in the not so distant future, people of the world celebrate, that wonderful day, a real World Independence Day, it could be so - is this not the beautiful thing of the ages we patiently and faithfully are waiting for?
Liberation by our own minds and hands from the burden of the menace? I'd call that the V Day of Victory Days of the ages. What I did not see at the time and why I am here, is the when or in other words, I did not see the time then but I am here writing this message now because the time is now.
Nor did I know how it would exactly occur - All the has changed in time, GAW and many other events across the world have made it clear, you probably will agree, how it happens too - now that I can point to it and you know it, because you have observed it too and are actively part of it - that by simply changing the ratio of people from asleep to awake (darkness to light) in favour of awake you are making that vision closer to becoming reality - a super free world where the current fear can no longer manifest as it had before!
That is all that has to be done to change reality from dark to light within each one of us, allows humanity realise we are truly super human and end the tyranny of the menace, so this is the how and since that is what is happening across the world, the time is now.
Are you starting to get it? I think you might be starting to feel it more. I know I sure am, but I am seeing it more and more each day.
This really is very much the now - It has been hard to contain this vision, and there is more to it, but this is the main part of what I saw, the important part, so right now, believe me when I tell you, I really have seen the after, and felt it as I described above and now I know what I have seen is happening, because it is appearing all around me, so the vision is becoming reality as I type, it's no longer for me, and therefore I guess the point of posting again as I have mentioned, is to reaffirm all that you may feel and some of what you may now know. We are close.
I know there is a lot of bad and dark things occurring all around us and you are now more sensitive aware and awake to the greater story of our collective reality, but again, believe me, it, the menace will one day be gone like you dare not imagine not so long ago, or seem so hard to believe, but please do imagine it, you must imagine it because your imagination is the light in the dark, for you to use to navigate to that great day and as John Lash once said:
"If you don't use your imagination, somebody else will"
Waking up is the day they lose their backdoor into your imagination having used fear to gain access, they no longer can use your own imagination (mind) against you.
Each day one more person wakes, it is the menace that is cast into the dark and can no longer steal our light and use our minds to imprison us.
As I see more lights flicker into action, my heart grows warmer, places like GAW become warmer, the resolve steadier - and the pace quicker, like nothing I have ever experienced, their is a surge of light moving into this world and that surge of light is that vision fulfilling - this is off all the known charts!
It use to be a kind of lonely place, it was never a bad place, but there were not too many people in this room so to speak, but as we move closer it is crowded beyond my wildest dreams.
Each awakened soul is like a another candle lit by the spark of awakening and then when all the world is awake and the light is no longer less than the Dark, it will be like a wildfire of awakening at this point and the menace will not longer be able to save it's dark properties, it's dark arts - well now, we have already won and you know what the room is pretty huge, in fact the room is so big it keep getting bigger, because with all this extra light, you can see more, and what I can see looks like not stopping. The light is infinite by my estimations. What great news, there is no end o the light because the rooms carrying capacity is for all best estimates truly infinite.
This Day, that Day, having seen it for a few moments, and felt it, honestly that was enough, the word elation hardly does justice to the feeling afterward, I often wonder was that what it is like when everyone is awake, was that overpowering feeling of good all the world awake finally and brightly, it's a lot to take in when i saw it at the time, and it's hard to even convey it in this reality but it's easier now that it was all those years ago because now as i have in this post been able to point to it in this reality, GAW being one of the most obvious examples of the light in motion.
So I got enough of a advance peek to keep watch, lookout, and so I think this is the best time too post this message - when I see moments of that light surge into this reality it fills out that future vision in the present beautifully, this is why I feel we are so much closer than ever before. I know I am repeating myself in this post but it's a long one. Hard to edit. It's pretty raw stuff this feeling and what I saw and to carry it for so long. Imagine seeing a lost loved one, and from time to time you catch glimpses of them knowing one day you will be re-united, it's kind of like that in the emotional stakes, thats the best analogy I cam muster right now as I bash the keyboard.
The emotion is incredibly positive. Perhaps how people felt when WW2 was over, they hadn't been happier since, maybe this will be that times a million, no more wars after we can dream and must, but that feeling makes me believe it will be nothing short.
Seeing this future moment sprouting and breaking out all over. I am often truly overcome for minutes sometimes longer, hours even, as I am takin right back to that awesome feeling which for one soul at that time was so overpowering in it's positive emotion as I tried to outline the previous paragraph - if you can imagine seeing this when the world was mostly dark, that bright light somewhere up ahead, the bright light of a new world that felt like it would bring you to your knees with joy, it was so incredibly awesome, a new reality of shared intention and good will makes humans really super human, where we have (been allowed) connect with our real power, posting this help to share the good news while it is a kind of burden it's a good burden as now the burden of it is distributed beyond me because I can share it here right now.
We are so close. It's feels crazy close.
While, I am but one soul and I thank you all for simply being here including those who found and run boards like this as i know it is not easy and often a thankless task - we are here because you and everyone is going to be needed to share that reality because it's clearly what you are doing now is that new reality, you have been practicing and not your a practicing more by not stopping, and how you know are really part of something bigger than us all I hope will spring forth form this post, as wordy and long winding as it may seem. I did want to make a simpler shorter one but no, this is so big it's mind blowing and words never will truly do it justice because when it happens, you will know in you heart of hearts.
I find this last bit hard to write the way I want, I will leave it in because it is important as we have all been affected by this Evil, which is a cowardly Evil, it preys only ever on the weak and innocents to hold power - we need all the light, we need all the people in the room, I know some won't make as some have not already, but that is ok, we need never be fearful for the innocents, they are looked after, and those who have been the prey of evil, their sacrifice even unknown to them will not go unpunished, this is something I feel very deeply beyond words as sorrowful as it can seem it is really us who are left behind with the rags of woe to unwind - My experience in life is this has always been the hardest most vexing thing for the human soul to deal with - why do bad things happen to innocents.
I have deep faith the innocents lost will be wiped of all their pain and sorrow as the power of God is beyond our full understanding and be grateful we no longer submit to the fear and place our faith in such a power because I cannot also help but feel I was shown this future for a good reason, it has helped me and now I am placing it here to help everyone possibly before even more difficult times. I find it is also syncing with other pundits who are on the same message, we're all warming up to the end show - and so as a collective body of light, by sheer existence and numbers we reduce the suffering of innocents, as many will wake up and no longer be innocent and that is our point of work - leave that which we can not controlled and was never ours to control to the big guy, and within our own world of love, broadcast that light so this evil menace has no place left to hide, and can no longer use our children as human shields to protect itself.
God Bless. God Wins.
I seen it 8 years ago.
Read just this part which is the start.for now I hope that helps:
Why am I here? Here is why and this is what I saw. That Day - the day the world is changed. The Day that marks the end of the brutality of their power. The Day the menace is finally gone. The Day when so light we will feel as the burden is removed from our collective shoulders, gone from off our collective backs. Humanity will soar like never before, humans are super human and we reagin connection with our true power. Imagine seeing this, this shining bright wonderful future? That is what I saw. Therefore I could come here to deliver the insight. During a time when events do seem really dark , they are not darker, believe me. They are so much brighter. They really are.