I did some quick searches. I found that the pfizer biontech has been linked to ovarian cyst. But I didn't find any article that linked Moderna. (Although logically all the MRNA spike "vaccines" would have similar side effects)
Have any of you seen an actual study linking Moderna and this?
Also you can consider this a prayer request too. Thank you, frens
What I did find;
As someone who has suffered from extremely painful and debilitating reproductive issues (not Covid related at all), I just want to say you sound like a very involved and supportive husband and I promise you, your wife appreciates that more than you probably know or understand. My husband was extremely supportive but I know the toll it took on my health for the better part of a year wasn’t just hard on me, it was something we went through together. I read a lot of horror stories from women going through similar things and the lack of support, understanding, and compassion they get from their spouse is so sad to me. It always makes me eternally thankful for my husband and I’m sure your wife is just as thankful for you!