posted ago by Lawjic ago by Lawjic +17 / -0

There's no doubt that US is getting hit harder during COVID than Canada, whether it's cases, fatality, or jab-related adverse events. I keep thinking, why? Our countries are so similar. If anything, the warmer weather and more sunshine (vitamin D) you get stateside should give you better immunity.
Then I came up with a hypothesis: I do know that both countries' modern diets have been essentially poisoned with sugars, but with one key difference: in Canada, by far we use cane sugar the most; however, in the USA, high-fructose corn syrup is used much more in comparison. I already know this leads to increased obesity, but I thought, what if HFCS weakens the immune system? So I looked it up, and YES IT DOES! It also causes inflammation, which is a key in both COVID and jab-related ill effects and death.
Wasn't there a post from Nunes, "Corn ready for to be cut" that was included in a Q post? Why, yes! Post 3521:

Farms produce ………

Whether this has anything to do with Q or not, it's just good health advice: cut sugar, but especially high-fructose corn syrup from your diets, frens. (In Canada, HFCS is often called "glucose-fructose" in ingredient lists. I didn't know this until researching this.)