Is every company that is forcing the jab on the people violating the New Rum Brg code? Especially during the time it was under E You Ayy and before Joe's mandate? Just saying.
Also, if I may add... This is unprecedented. Do we ban people from stores for having H l V? Hep? Swine, birb fIu, or otherwise? Given that cov brought infIuenza numbers down to virtually zero, maybe we should try living with it like everything else. If it saves a single life should apply to the jab, too.
Is every company that is forcing the jab on the people violating the New Rum Brg code? Especially during the time it was under E You Ayy and before Joe's mandate? Just saying.
Where we sue one, we sue all.
Also, if I may add... This is unprecedented. Do we ban people from stores for having H l V? Hep? Swine, birb fIu, or otherwise? Given that cov brought infIuenza numbers down to virtually zero, maybe we should try living with it like everything else. If it saves a single life should apply to the jab, too.
And it never had anything to do with science - 100+ years of scientism dogma only.
Never was.........!!!!!!