I'm not the one who deals with my frustrations by researching post histories on other websites just because I think I can somehow use someone's enjoyment of Star Wars against them. I think I'm probably managing my boredom more productively than you are.
Like I said, I'd really encourage you to take a break. You're seriously suggesting that having outside interests somehow indicates a moral failing. Which, to me, either suggests that you're having a hard time disengaging from Q from time to time, or perhaps even that you're an infiltrator from my sub trying to troll these Q people and make them look obsessive and erratic.
And I have told people from my sub not to do that. It accomplishes nothing. If you are such a person, knock it off. It's not helpful to anyone.
Yes. This was common knowledge to everyone who has been here longer than a month.
Welcome to the board. I know your inexperience here may create some stumblings, but those of us who have been around a while are certainly open to answering questions if you actually ask them and stop pretending you know everything from the outset.
I'm not the one who deals with my frustrations by researching post histories on other websites just because I think I can somehow use someone's enjoyment of Star Wars against them. I think I'm probably managing my boredom more productively than you are.
Like I said, I'd really encourage you to take a break. You're seriously suggesting that having outside interests somehow indicates a moral failing. Which, to me, either suggests that you're having a hard time disengaging from Q from time to time, or perhaps even that you're an infiltrator from my sub trying to troll these Q people and make them look obsessive and erratic.
And I have told people from my sub not to do that. It accomplishes nothing. If you are such a person, knock it off. It's not helpful to anyone.
Yes. This was common knowledge to everyone who has been here longer than a month.
Welcome to the board. I know your inexperience here may create some stumblings, but those of us who have been around a while are certainly open to answering questions if you actually ask them and stop pretending you know everything from the outset.
Take care. I have other things to do today.