Watch over 350,000 "YES" votes on "should Gruesome Newsom be recalled" vanish in real time on CNN...
Familiar to anyone? The Exact same thing happened in 2020 with the Presidential election !!
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Absolutely NO DOOMING! Chin up Patriot Pedes. There’s a very good reason Q said “watch California”. We are different from the rest of the nation. We can handle this sh!t no problem. Sending these a$$holes to jail is preferential however, California doesn’t like waiting. POTUS had his opportunity to stop these animals and didn’t take it. Now it’s our turn. Keep doing what Q said and “watch California”. Bring lots of popcorn. First, Gavin will light We The Sovereign People of Northern California on fire… cut off our power and internet… block our food routes… do everything he can to punish us but he will fail. The level of fury here is even beyond what I had originally suspected it would be after Gavin gaffed our votes… these people are not going to be easily quelled. I feel like we’re the kickoff for the beginning of devolution and visible martial law. The military will have to move in and stop the violence because otherwise our forces will reach the elite bastions and bring them all down in a flaming inferno. ~Beware the Slumbering Bear~
said watch CA not california, ca could mean canada as a countrycode, election 20thsame day evergrande will go belly up since they are bamkrupt