If the summit of the volcano, Cumbre Vieja, were to collapse abruptly, that is, without a gradual landslide, the impact would produce a disastrous mega tsunami with initial waves of more than 500 meters and displacement of the mass at more than 700 km per hour, reaching the eastern coasts. USA from Florida to Newfoundland, and to the west coast of Ireland and England.
That's a big 'If'. If the subsidence is on the West coast, if any earthquake is large enough. At this point, US will have 7 hours to prepare, 7 hours to disperse a lot of water as the wave travels. If it's the big one.
Portugal and Morocco would bear the brunt.
If the summit of the volcano, Cumbre Vieja, were to collapse abruptly, that is, without a gradual landslide, the impact would produce a disastrous mega tsunami with initial waves of more than 500 meters and displacement of the mass at more than 700 km per hour, reaching the eastern coasts. USA from Florida to Newfoundland, and to the west coast of Ireland and England.
That's a big 'If'. If the subsidence is on the West coast, if any earthquake is large enough. At this point, US will have 7 hours to prepare, 7 hours to disperse a lot of water as the wave travels. If it's the big one. Portugal and Morocco would bear the brunt.