My loved one is pretty intent on getting vaccinated. I can’t change their mind. They won’t listen to me. They believe that because the vaccine is “FDA approved” it’s fucking safe now. This is a fucking nightmare. It’s driving me crazy. I don’t want to see them dead. I’m going to be the last one alive out of everyone I know and love because no one will listen to me, or God for that matter, and not get the death jab. God please help us all. God please help me most of all. I don’t know if I can take this anymore. I don’t want to lose them. I feel so powerless.
PS: thank you for everyone’s kind words. I got so many replies so I will try to respond to everyone accordingly. I just hope I can convince them before it’s too late.
If you want to convince this person, first, listen to them. You've got to start from a place of love. You've got to let them tell you why they're interested in getting the shot in the first place. Are they scared of the disease itself? Do they have risk factors? Are they elderly? If so, the risk-benefit may actually support them getting the shot. COVID's nasty in people who fit that description. The data clearly show that if you're in that situation, the shot will help. If they're young and healthy, the disease is of less threat and the data from the CDC bear that out.
Another thing to mention. Sometimes people aren't ready for a "conversation." You've got to meet them on their terms. Ask them if it's ok for you to give them more information. If you just start rattling off stuff, they may not listen unless they actually want to hear it. Again, if this is someone you love and care for, keep this always focused on that.
Ask them to consider natural immunity. They may not need the shot. Suggest they consider that COVID is more transmissible than flu. It's been around for 18 months, now. Flu typically gets to everyone in just 6 months. Unless they've been living in a plastic bubble, chances are good they've already been exposed and have natural immunity. The vaccine offers immunity by showing your body the S-protein. It's gone in 1-2 days. The body breaks both the mRNA and the protein down quickly. But if they've been naturally exposed, they've been exposed to the exact same S-protein, but also to all of the other parts of the virus so the body has a better idea what to look for. And infections typically last 10-14 days, not 1-2. That's a lot more robust of an exposure to build immunity from. The physiology of making antibodies doesn't change. If unsure, suggest getting an antibody test to find out.
If they're responding to pressure from an employer, this is so much harder. You can't ask someone to give up their livelihood. You have to listen, above all else here. Show love. This is an impossible situation. Many people don't even work for themselves. They do it to support others, like their family, right? You'd be asking them to put themselves and their family through hardship - and that's not fair. It's bad enough the CEOs are pushing this unethical garbage.
I would say avoid fearmongering. Fear can be a motivator but a lot of times it comes off as manipulative. If you start making claims about safety that their doctor or someone else authoritative who they trust told them this was safe, you'll run into a brick wall. Be honest. What have you actually heard? That this stuff is causing young, healthy people to throw clots and get heart attacks and die. Why don't the authorities stop it then, they'll ask. Be prepared for that. They still trust the system, so unless you're prepared to drop a massive red pill, I'd avoid it. Say there's a lot we are still learning and information seems to change a lot as new things come to light. Tell them what you know. You know you've read hundreds of claims on the internet. Is it common? Are they all true? You don't know that. What's the rate? What causes it? We don't know, but you don't want to be the one that "wins" that kind of a lottery. Again, avoid fearmongering, and be honest about what you know.
Hopefully that helps.
This is fantastic advice, and if the media and doctors where straight with everyone from the get go we'd all be much better off.
I'm angry that those of us who had the coof and recovered (and there are millions of us) are not included in the recovery.
The job mandate just dropped for us this morning. Jab or hit the road.