Thank you Patriots! God please, I ask you to protect this site! To all the men and woman across this country and this world who continue to speak and write about this horror, THANK YOU !
Many of us, the majority or average person knows or understand that there is evil in this world , we know that there are “ perverts or pedophiles” sick people who harm children, but ; most of the world thinks it is limited to the weird or creepy school bus driver or the reclusive who we see lurking around adult book stores!
Many of us , myself included have seen or experienced a glimpse of evil and have lived our lives, aware that it’s out there , but still very ignorant of the magnitude of this horrific evil! We keep ourselves and our children protected, looking over our shoulders, suspicious of anything or anyone who seems “ off” !
We choose not to watch the news or read about it because what little exposure there is through the media it is too painful or sick to watch or actually to believe! The truth that this evil is a trillion dollar business with politicians and celebrities involved is one of the biggest secrets or cover ups in our world and the magnitude is so great the average person cannot comprehend or doesn’t have the mental strength to process!
I grew up with satanism and “molesters” in my family, I escaped at 15 , my own special needs daughter was the victim of a sick bastard , I caught him heading to the canyons with her on his bus, detectives involved , by the grace of God I caught him, probably because I had my eye on him, the point is and again many of us know “it’s out there” even I have lived through a bit of the sickness and I still had no idea of the magnitude of this crime and horror !
We know it’s out there , but; it’s like needing a dollar and having a penny, like reading only one chapter of a thick and informative book !
I could write a lot about this hidden horror but let me end by saying, many of us are totally ignorant, mostly because the information isn’t out there or like me we didn’t search for it , as it’s not on main stream and many like me aren’t news watchers anyway “it’s only bad news Id rather not watch “: or we know to some extent that it’s out there , but don’t search it out as it’s to sick to imagine!
There are many reasons or excuses as to why this isn’t known, but as the saying on here goes ..once you see it you can’t unsee it!
I have learned so much from this site ..who would have known lol , the site that they are trying to keep people from is the place that is exposing all their secrets, all the horror that so many are yet to understand and unfortunately unwilling to believe !
I feel as though my life has been spared from so much ugly darkness, from so many lies! Once the light exposes the darkness it can no longer hide!
I truly was ignorant, and uneducated about so much ..and I was the one “Who people came to for advice and knowledge, because I knew so much about life” .,WOW , what I have learned from you all !
This place, this site is truly a gift from God and thank you, all of you, who continue to expose, to write about the truth .
I finally understand the definition of “DIGITAL SOLDIERS”
God Bless all you Patriots and God save our children !
Thank you Patriots! God please, I ask you to protect this site! To all the men and woman across this country and this world who continue to speak and write about this horror, THANK YOU !
Many of us, the majority or average person knows or understand that there is evil in this world , we know that there are “ perverts or pedophiles” sick people who harm children, but ; most of the world thinks it is limited to the weird or creepy school bus driver or the reclusive who we see lurking around adult book stores! Many of us , myself included have seen or experienced a glimpse of evil and have lived our lives, aware that it’s out there , but still very ignorant of the magnitude of this horrific evil! We keep ourselves and our children protected, looking over our shoulders, suspicious of anything or anyone who seems “ off” ! We choose not to watch the news or read about it because what little exposure there is through the media it is too painful or sick to watch or actually to believe! The truth that this evil is a trillion dollar business with politicians and celebrities involved is one of the biggest secrets or cover ups in our world and the magnitude is so great the average person cannot comprehend or doesn’t have the mental strength to process!
I grew up with satanism and “molesters” in my family, I escaped at 15 , my own special needs daughter was the victim of a sick bastard , I caught him heading to the canyons with her on his bus, detectives involved , by the grace of God I caught him, probably because I had my eye on him, the point is and again many of us know “it’s out there” even I have lived through a bit of the sickness and I still had no idea of the magnitude of this crime and horror !
We know it’s out there , but; it’s like needing a dollar and having a penny, like reading only one chapter of a thick and informative book !
I could write a lot about this hidden horror but let me end by saying, many of us are totally ignorant, mostly because the information isn’t out there or like me we didn’t search for it , as it’s not on main stream and many like me aren’t news watchers anyway “it’s only bad news Id rather not watch “: or we know to some extent that it’s out there , but don’t search it out as it’s to sick to imagine!
There are many reasons or excuses as to why this isn’t known, but as the saying on here goes ..once you see it you can’t unsee it!
I have learned so much from this site ..who would have known lol , the site that they are trying to keep people from is the place that is exposing all their secrets, all the horror that so many are yet to understand and unfortunately unwilling to believe !
I feel as though my life has been spared from so much ugly darkness, from so many lies! Once the light exposes the darkness it can no longer hide!
I truly was ignorant, and uneducated about so much ..and I was the one “Who people came to for advice and knowledge, because I knew so much about life” .,WOW , what I have learned from you all !
This place, this site is truly a gift from God and thank you, all of you, who continue to expose, to write about the truth . I finally understand the definition of “DIGITAL SOLDIERS”
God Bless all you Patriots and God save our children !