If I'm honest 100 is far too high, it could be roughly correct, but I doubt it. It makes the person who said that lose credibility with me unless I see how they specifically arise to that number other than the general line: "Only 1% are actually reported". That would mean 1.4 million people have already died from the vaxx since early December.
3-10x is my guess for deaths, and from previous data I extrapolated around 5x of what it was back in June, and I'm going to do it again for September numbers. (My numbers from June assumes there are no cases from Dec-Feb that were NOT included, so it's likely higher than 5x.) But at a bare minimum, there is an extremely good argument for a 3-10x death rate, that is quite hard to refute.
Karl Denniger did an article on the employment data figures and noticed that since the vaccines were introduced, the number of adults available for employment has fell by approximately one million. The only way you disappear from the 'available for employment' figures is if you die, you suffer a permanent debilitating injury, or you go to prison.
Given that 14,000 deaths have been reported to VAERS, this would suggest that 100X deaths is indeed an overestimation. Going from the 'available for employment' figures, the vaccine deaths and vaccine permanent injuries combined total approximately one million. Based on the ratio of deaths to permanent injuries, your figure of 3-10X therefore seems like a solid guess.
If I'm honest 100 is far too high, it could be roughly correct, but I doubt it. It makes the person who said that lose credibility with me unless I see how they specifically arise to that number other than the general line: "Only 1% are actually reported". That would mean 1.4 million people have already died from the vaxx since early December.
3-10x is my guess for deaths, and from previous data I extrapolated around 5x of what it was back in June, and I'm going to do it again for September numbers. (My numbers from June assumes there are no cases from Dec-Feb that were NOT included, so it's likely higher than 5x.) But at a bare minimum, there is an extremely good argument for a 3-10x death rate, that is quite hard to refute.
Karl Denniger did an article on the employment data figures and noticed that since the vaccines were introduced, the number of adults available for employment has fell by approximately one million. The only way you disappear from the 'available for employment' figures is if you die, you suffer a permanent debilitating injury, or you go to prison.
Given that 14,000 deaths have been reported to VAERS, this would suggest that 100X deaths is indeed an overestimation. Going from the 'available for employment' figures, the vaccine deaths and vaccine permanent injuries combined total approximately one million. Based on the ratio of deaths to permanent injuries, your figure of 3-10X therefore seems like a solid guess.