Everyone needs to lose the fear. My wife is afraid. Not of covid, but of the repercussions if she speaks out against vax mandates.
Because of that fear she's actually considering getting the vax if her work decides to require it knowing damn good and well she is putting not only or marriage, but also her health and life in jeopardy if she does.
We have enough savings to go at least ten years if we buckle down, more if we find work elsewhere and yet she's afraid of throwing away 15 years of experience at this company by not getting vaxxed (if they even end up requiring it they might not) and she's actually freaking out about having to possibly make that decision.
I'm continuously working on her and we're slowly making progress. It's not that she's not based it's because she's scared.
If we can get the message out to somehow help people lost even a fraction of that fear, this shit will be over so fast we wouldn't even have time to laugh about it...
Everyone needs to lose the fear. My wife is afraid. Not of covid, but of the repercussions if she speaks out against vax mandates.
Because of that fear she's actually considering getting the vax if her work decides to require it knowing damn good and well she is putting not only or marriage, but also her health and life in jeopardy if she does.
We have enough savings to go at least ten years if we buckle down, more if we find work elsewhere and yet she's afraid of throwing away 15 years of experience at this company by not getting vaxxed (if they even end up requiring it they might not) and she's actually freaking out about having to possibly make that decision.
I'm continuously working on her and we're slowly making progress. It's not that she's not based it's because she's scared.
If we can get the message out to somehow help people lost even a fraction of that fear, this shit will be over so fast we wouldn't even have time to laugh about it...
tell her to take some paid time off and find another company