436 "DON'T WANT FACTS! I WANT TO BE MAAAAAD!" Anyone want to tell him? Dry your tears, Doomer! *PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROOOOLLLLLLL!* (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by catsfive (context) 3 years ago by catsfive +440 / -4 75 comments download share 75 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
"REEEEEE there is no plan! Why do you retards think we can vote our way out of this?? Wut I'm not a glowie!? stupid fags on this board always the first response gLoWiE...I'm just a realist!...fuck QTARDS"
^typical top voted patriots.win comment lmao
Bullshit. I’m on TDW everyday.
Anyone who thinks that busting on TWD is a good thing is moronic. These are, our brothers and sisters. United we are strong, divided we fall.