Still think they can turn this thing around and actually shut this popular-military backed (im going to assume when the shit hits the fab they will be) uprising down with time to spare? At the last second before they lose control? Do they still think they are in control? Im assuming, since q is real that they also know that, or do you think some of them believe q is a larp? If they think they're in control what do you think is making them think that? Things seem awfully split in the world. Aussielands gov is full blown enemy, how do we solve that problem. What would yall do? Or perhaps they know their control is very limited at this point. We have a stopgap at eliminating the filibuster, which is absolutely huge, and often overlooked. Joe manchin is a hero when you write this story. It prevents the dems ramming through whatever they want at 50 votes instead of 60. Do they know its coming or do they still disbelieve.. Im really curious how all of this plays out. Also what yall think regarding how it does.
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The upper-tier deep-state liberals (Obama, Biden, Hillary, Schiff, etc) are praying for a miracle, but they pretty much know they're screwed. They know Trump has them, and the walls are closing in.
Most typical, pedestrian liberals and democrats are too fucking stupid to understand what is happening. Most of my co-workers are decent people who I actually like, and they have no fucking clue of what is about to happen. They think Biden is a good guy who made a couple mistakes.
And almost everyone I know, friends and family alike, think we all should get the jab, and that I'm childish for refusing it.
If its a walls closing in scenario, they ought to be really acting out and making mistakes soon
At its foundation, hundreds of years of power and control makes a loss inconceivable.
As mentioned in other comments, the cabal has a hierarchy.
The upper-level know the walls are closing in fast, and likely trying to insulate themselves or outright escape.
The mid-level are discouraged from exercising independent judgement so they are trusting their lying handlers that all will work itself out.
The meat shields are malleable and will do whatever tell-lie-vision programs them to do.
If there is a prong of the plan that aims to end CCP then Australia may be able to recover. If not then I would expect a hot war in the South Pacific and south Asia. That will be messy and all the traitors will need to be terminated with extreme prejudice.
I have no complaint with the use of the filibuster.
As far as how it plays out, I contend this is foremost a spiritual war. We hold beliefs that are more empowering and rejuvenating than they do so the outcome is inevitable.
Our beliefs lead us to humility, righteousness and ruggedness.
Their beliefs lead them to (self) hate, destruction and mental anguish.
My question is who will be left to build the new systems of trust based on integrity and transparency?
Things are happening which make it appear that the wheels are coming off the cabal's bus. Given the stuff the uniparty is trying to ram through Congress, and it appears they know they're living on borrowed time and they're throwing out all the stops in an effort to maintain control. Either that or the white hats are in control and all of this is just theater in an effort to wake people up to what the cabal's agenda has been.
I don't trust Manchin. There have been a number of times when he made a lot of noise about not agreeing to something the Dems wanted and in the end he voted for it.
Hes still the only guy holding back the dem policy flood, and shutting down investigations all through passing laws. O think they know its coming also, I like to think about how long they have known they are fucked, what they dont know is how much we have on them, no one knows that, and thats why they don't know what to do. They may have this on me, but to they that THAT. . Im thinking they do