Wendy Rogers: "Summary: We won. They dropped their $2.8 meaningless claim for the machine replacement. We get the routers and Splunk logs. Cyber Ninjas has full access. Maricopa caved."

This strikes me as very misleading at best. Maricopa is not giving the routers to Cyber Ninjas or the AZ Senate. The settlement is for an independent special master to hire 1-3 tech experts to review the routers/logs and answer questions from the AZ Senate. The AZ Senate in return will write a letter to AG Brnovich stating that Maricopa has "fully complied" with the subpoenas.
The settlement is here: Maricopa Agreement
This does not say that "Cyber Ninjas has full access." In fact, it sounds like Cyber Ninjas has zero access to the routers.
And they agreed that the county has now complied with the previous subpoenas. Doesn’t sound like a good thing to me and we won’t even get to see the splunk logs.