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Are you saved ? (Accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior) if not, tithing will do you no benefit. If you are, God commands a tenth/tithe of every dollar you generate (gross income) into the house of the Lord (a good soul winning church or ministry). If you are obedient—God will bless your finances. If you don’t—you are under a curse. Malachi 3:6-10.
God honors obedience over sacrafice. Thankfully, we know his Word. Instructions to find Gods favor begin by obeying His Word. Of course, this all begins at salvation. Are you born again?
I have accepted Jesus into my heart as Lord and my Savior. I pray and talk to Jesus and read the Bible. I do not belong to a church.
That’s the next step— get connected to a local body of believers. I recommend full gospel churches. We weren’t made to go through life alone