Teen Transgenders – It’s Time We Talked
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So welcome ..it’s my opinion , but I really do believe they did this with those puberty shots ..yes there are cases where the kids are confused social media etc and kids that people call , sadly “ Odd balks “ but this many ..no way ! The kids even change appearances as if they are mutating into a different sex..my neighbors had a young boy ..he was a boy, not feminine all , he got the shot , I talked to my neighbors and told them how I was signing wavers , their son went to the same school as my daughters. Within a year of the shot you could see something seriously was wrong , he became feminine, he started having dark issues locked in his room, he told his mom he felt like he was a girl . This boy hung him self in their bathroom , the parents of course moved out of their house , eventually sold it and ended up divorcing , it was tragic .this was 8 years ago , I believed then and still do that some of those shots had something in them that is doing this to our kids !
A nightmare you can't wake up from...God see all and remembers....
True that on both