This mental virus had to be strong enough in both of these directions:
The impact on each individual. We are seeing them completely lose their rationality, empathy, humanity, morality. They're capable of so much mental gymnastics and depraved manipulation it's unbelievable. They're not with us right now folks.
The amount of individuals infected. We're talking literally BILLLLIONSSS across all different countries and cultures, nearly all political leaders, exposed to different media, etc. Compare that to Germany in the 1930s which was like 65 million people or something in an isolated environment.
Add those two together and how the F does this happen? This is the most astonishing thing to happen to the human race in history.
Most of the leftists I know have been ones to get the flu vaccine every year since they started that crap (and shingles vaccine and human papilloma). They’re generally fearful and with low self-esteem so perhaps something chemical injected with the flu vaccine coupled with the dual-prong messages from mockingbird media - “be fearful and we’ll keep you safe” and then “you’re so virtuous by following what we tell you to do”.
I’m thinking it has to be at least partially chemical. It could be from a food source, water source, air source, loads of ways to get into the body, but either they’re taking in something we’re not or our bodies are somehow better at fighting the deleterious effects.
A while back I had an issue with an iodine deficiency, doctor no help whatsoever so I set to researching and trial-&-error on my own. I was able to diagnose it and remedy it that was as a result of this article:
Basically, some “researcher” came out with a bogus study claiming iodine is bad and our food supply was altered as a result. If “they” are screwing with our body chemistry in this particular way, I’m sure they’re doing it in whatever other ways they can.
The mockingbird effects others have mentioned here are also good candidates for causation. My gut is telling me that there’s something physiological going on beside the obvious (and perhaps shrouded as well) mental-emotional manipulation occurring.
I agree, OP - there’s something systemic going on that’s sending so many people over the edge. It’s to the point of being bizarre - and I noticed this long before I’d ever heard of GAW or TDW.