The question asked ad nauseum: "why does Trump advocate for the vax? Is he unaware of the dangers? Is he being tricked?" Trump cannot be a master 5d chess player AND be ignorant. He is either one or the other, so let's assume he is well aware of what this vaccine is: a depopulation scheme.
Last night I was watching a show on Hulu (something I never do). Ads would periodically play and I noticed one thing: the people in the ads were all revolting. Trannies, gays, fat slobs, or just downright freakish. I haven't watched TV in years, but I'm betting the ads on there are just as bad. I will not let my young kids be exposed to the grotesqueness of this new culture. The freaks running the show are obsessed with perverting everything good, beautiful and wholesome. Young children are most susceptible to brainwashing. This is phycological warfare and our children are the target. Anyone perpetuating this propaganda (media, education, healthcare), weather they are conscious of it or not, are enemies of America and its Christian way of life.
There is no need to despair. Instead, take solace in knowing that our enemy's time here is limited. These pawns are so heavily programmed that every one of them advocates for the jab. I haven't seen one dissenting opinion from their side. In fact, when they spread their propaganda, they help perpetuate the demise of their own kind.
What better way to win a silent war than to turn the propaganda machine against itself and have it advocate for its own destruction?
We should all be grateful that Donald J. Trump has pushed for the depopulation jabs. If he had no faith in his own vaccine, no one would be taking them, not even the Trump deranged. Before you criticize Trump, ask yourself what our culture would degenerate into in 10 years time? If Q and the military arrested all the cabalist today our society would still be infected to the core with communist syntality and perversion. Wokeness, CRT, pedophilia, etc. is a cancer. What do you do with cancer? Hope it goes away on it's own? No, you remove it.
Trump loves us and America. This is how he preserves it for our children. Conservatives who took the jab because of Trump, I'm sorry to say, are casualties of this unconventional war. Almost every liberal has taken the clot-shot while a minority of conservatives have taken it. I think Q has given our military placebos. I haven't heard of servicemembers experiencing side-effects like the rest of the population has.
If Q is in control, then the vaccine is part of the plan. This is the greatest military operation of all time. We are in a war unlike any other. Patriots, continue to awaken those you can and keep faith. The outcome has already been decided, but it won't be for everyone.
I was having a conversation with someone the other day and this topic came up: Why would he promote the jab?
A few theories came out of that discussion. One of them being, to see who would "hang" themselves. Think of how many people were on one side, then flipped so they could "follow the crowd."
I believe a "test" of humanity is also going on, not just related to the jab.
I totally believe there are multiple reasons for this operation. Yes, seeing who is a traitor and who stands by their convictions could very well be part of it.
Great theory, but there is one catch: military personnel are experiencing side effects and break through cases. I don't think the military is releasing their data on side effects, at least not that I've seen. I can't provide sauce, but I know MANY members of the military. Hopefully Team Trump has or is developing a remedy for the jab. Who knows.
If our military dies off, I don't see how that can be part of any "good-side" plan. I would totally change my opinion on this. I would conclude that Q was a psy-op and we're all going to have to start learning Chinese.
One wonders the amount of faith it it took to walk on that floor of the red sea with the waters towering over, our road is difficult in ways they couldn't imagine but same goes for their road
I think they may have an antidote to the jab, what better way to red pill people than for them to see they were duped and will die if they don't get the antidote. That would really open some eyes to how deeply brainwashed they were. It could break their trust in the medical industry, the media, politicians, celebrities, big business, anyone who was pushing the jab. The millions who have taken it would flip quick when something shakes them that hard to see the truth, the jab could wind up being the ultimate red pill in the end.
Wouldn't that be awesome? Perhaps the cure is Ivermectin. Then they'd have to eat their words about it being only for horses.
Yes, horse paste could be the icing on the cake.
I am starting to wonder if it’s a damn placebo.
Not happening fast enough to your liking? I understand the sentiment. It'll be interesting to see how many will be fired once the deadline for the jab mandate is reached. Do people deserve their freedoms if they are unwilling to lose their jobs for them? What would our founding father's say...
I mean, I’m getting fired for not taking the job. I have until 11/15. I’m not sure how me suggesting the vaccine is a placebo got your reaction lol
I read it as: perhaps the vax is a placebo because it isn't killing everyone off who has taken it yet. And I wondered if the masses will conform to medical tyranny or will we be brought to the brink of poverty together? My husband is leaving his job because of it as well.
Just because he said so doesn't make it true. Let me ask you this: how can you get as many libs to trust the vax as possible? Does Trump reject his own "cure" or does he prop it up in conjunction with the liberal researchers? Which would have maximum impact?
I know exactly what ads you’re talking about, it’s pathetic.