is it possible to get an exemption from their testing? i dont wanna die from their shitty swab testing rofl
i am a bout to submit a religious exemption for their mandatory death vax, so im just waiting for them to fire me i guess lol
is it possible to get an exemption from their testing? i dont wanna die from their shitty swab testing rofl
i am a bout to submit a religious exemption for their mandatory death vax, so im just waiting for them to fire me i guess lol
Get tested instead, Biden said in his mandate get vaxed or get tested, he said that because it makes it constitutional, you have a choice, if you have no choice he had no standing.
He has no standing to begin with.he is illegitimate. DO NOT COMPLY! GET FIRED AND LAWYER UP!
Since when did my private medical history become public knowledge? Aint nobodies fuckin business but my family and my doctor.
HIPPA is a joke, when a pharmacy refuses to fill a prescription written by a doctor it is none of their fucking business. Anyone who works in the medical industry can pull up your medical file and look at it. Give me a break.
He has no standing to mandate either of those things.
He has no standing on a lot of things, DC elites have been shitting on the constitution for years now.
No argument there.
Its a test all they are doing is pulling a couple of boogers out.