Counter to common knowledge, there are plenty of guns here in Aus....albeit far more rurally than in metro areas.
However, my take is that inciting gun violence only begets more of the same. Also if you read the forum rules, it doesn't really fly with the mods at all and just garners unwanted heat from FBI glowies and lurkers.
Mass non-compliance - overwhelming them with sheer numbers looking out for each other within the constraints of the laws thst protect us all- This Is The Way. IMO opinion anyway.
If a police officer just so happens to cop an accidental stray elbow to face after pepper spraying an unarmed ~70 YO woman they just threw on the pavement (this happened to a lady this weekend ...), well, perhaps they should reassess their methods of dealing with their actual employers - US the taxpaying citizens of Straya.
Counter to common knowledge, there are plenty of guns here in Aus....albeit far more rurally than in metro areas.
However, my take is that inciting gun violence only begets more of the same. Also if you read the forum rules, it doesn't really fly with the mods at all and just garners unwanted heat from FBI glowies and lurkers.
Mass non-compliance - overwhelming them with sheer numbers looking out for each other within the constraints of the laws thst protect us all- This Is The Way. IMO opinion anyway.
If a police officer just so happens to cop an accidental stray elbow to face after pepper spraying an unarmed ~70 YO woman they just threw on the pavement (this happened to a lady this weekend ...), well, perhaps they should reassess their methods of dealing with their actual employers - US the taxpaying citizens of Straya.