I believe that this terrible situation was picked up and used by the FIB and was meant to portray the FIB as heroes instead of zeroes..
They still screwed it up and continue to look like the incompetent, incapable losers they are..
Whether this was a planned false flag or a coincidence🙄🙄, it was definitely used by the FIB to TRY to make themselves look better-complete and utter failure per usual..
It came to me last night…
I believe that this is a false flag..
I believe that this terrible situation was picked up and used by the FIB and was meant to portray the FIB as heroes instead of zeroes..
They still screwed it up and continue to look like the incompetent, incapable losers they are..
Whether this was a planned false flag or a coincidence🙄🙄, it was definitely used by the FIB to TRY to make themselves look better-complete and utter failure per usual..
They are not failures, remember, destroying the lives of Americans is their true goal, and they are doing that rather well