It honestly makes me angry that counties like India and El Salvador have embraced, simple, common sense medical advice, but our own country can't. And it's not because the doctors don't know what this stuff is. It's because our corrupt government and the bootlickers among the medical lobby are threatening the licenses and livelihoods of doctors who actually want to cure people.
In principle, I'm not a fan of governments playing doctor and handing out drugs like they're the saviors of the people. That's a shitty dictator's "Santa Claus" power play where the dictator tries to set himself up as the guy the people depend on for things they need. It screams "mob boss" tactics. This stuff should be driven by the actual doctors and not politicians.
Most of this stuff is benign. The vitamins and minerals are fine. Zinc's in low enough dose I don't worry about toxicity. Aspirin would depend on the dose. I wouldn't suggest over 100mg/day because our goal is just preventing clots while avoiding the side effects larger doses carry, and never in children because of Reye's syndrome. The Claritin is fine. Ivermectin has shown enough effectiveness in Uttar Pradesh, India that we probably should be running the clinical trial on it in real time instead of BSing around with it like we are now with the ACTIV-6 trial.
I might actually argue the Tylenol because the innate immune system responds better to viruses under mild fever of ~39°C, so I wouldn't want to reduce it unless the fever was dangerously high. I'm not a fan of the AZM either except in certain patients at high risk for secondary bacterial infection. AZM's not effective against COVID by itself, and antibiotic resistance is a real concern, so they shouldn't just be thrown around without good reason to suspect they're needed. But back to my original point, these are conversations for doctors and nurses to have and not politicians.
It honestly makes me angry that counties like India and El Salvador have embraced, simple, common sense medical advice, but our own country can't. And it's not because the doctors don't know what this stuff is. It's because our corrupt government and the bootlickers among the medical lobby are threatening the licenses and livelihoods of doctors who actually want to cure people.
In principle, I'm not a fan of governments playing doctor and handing out drugs like they're the saviors of the people. That's a shitty dictator's "Santa Claus" power play where the dictator tries to set himself up as the guy the people depend on for things they need. It screams "mob boss" tactics. This stuff should be driven by the actual doctors and not politicians.
Most of this stuff is benign. The vitamins and minerals are fine. Zinc's in low enough dose I don't worry about toxicity. Aspirin would depend on the dose. I wouldn't suggest over 100mg/day because our goal is just preventing clots while avoiding the side effects larger doses carry, and never in children because of Reye's syndrome. The Claritin is fine. Ivermectin has shown enough effectiveness in Uttar Pradesh, India that we probably should be running the clinical trial on it in real time instead of BSing around with it like we are now with the ACTIV-6 trial.
I might actually argue the Tylenol because the innate immune system responds better to viruses under mild fever of ~39°C, so I wouldn't want to reduce it unless the fever was dangerously high. I'm not a fan of the AZM either except in certain patients at high risk for secondary bacterial infection. AZM's not effective against COVID by itself, and antibiotic resistance is a real concern, so they shouldn't just be thrown around without good reason to suspect they're needed. But back to my original point, these are conversations for doctors and nurses to have and not politicians.