Texans, call your representative and tell them to support HB 93 introduced yesterday 9/21 in the legislative session 3 to ban Vaccine mandates for private employers in the state of Texas. Also tell them to strengthen the bill text to include a provision to deny the businesses permits for operating business in TX.
Bill information: https://capitol.texas.gov/BillLookup/History.aspx?LegSess=873&Bill=HB93
Find your representative: https://www.house.texas.gov/members/find-your-representative/
Bill Text: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/873/billtext/pdf/HB00093I.pdf
Spread the word.
Edit: Also reach out to Abbott's office since he heavily controls what is put on the agenda.
Abbott's office: https://gov.texas.gov/contact
I thought Texas, along with Florida and Montana already banned the Vax mandate? Can someone clarify?
only for governments or governmental entities.
Hopefully they pass it and I also hope it includes government contractors. Many companies on the Fortune 500 list are government contractors. Going to read the bill now.