posted ago by DevilDogPede ago by DevilDogPede +39 / -1

We all know the FBI is the political gestapo of the DNC. It's become so apparent that it's a known fact throughout society.

So when this case hit mainstream, and their moment to shine and attempt to save face with normies, what do they do?

First, let's look at the big game changers that occured that actually helped the case.

  1. Hiker vlogger is the one who found the van and told them where it was.

  2. Random rednecks deer cam spotted the killer in the woods the FBI said was cleared

What has the FBI done? The obvious suspect just walked out the house one day and disappeared.

They cancelled their search of the woods it turned out he was still in.

This is what happens when you hire someone based on their political litmus test instead of abilities.

FBI just needs to be dismantled. US Marshalls needs to replace multi state jurisdiction