This decision can have such long term ramifications. I don’t mean to sound harsh but this is going to affect me now and I am stunned she did this without even consulting me. She knows how strong I feel about this and we could have talked about this together.
I know why she got the vaccine and I know her hands were tied. She didn’t want to get it and I would have held her hand and went through all lawsuits possible to get justice.
I might not be able to have kids with her.
My (as of last week) ex also took it after I was outspoken about the dangers. This was early on in the vaccine rollout. I respect someone’s personal autonomy in deciding to do it and I didn’t give him a hard time. But I knew at that moment that children were out of the picture. That’s not due to potential impotence but because this is something I need someone to see as I do for us to have a functioning family.
If he trusts the medical establishment after seeing how they’ve handled covid he isn’t strong willed enough to be a good father. I love him, but not as a long term partner.
Follow your own instincts on this one.