Now follow the money for the entire medical industry.
Especially local and state hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses etc.
The numbers are mind numbing.
I was just informed today while making an appointment for med refills that will no longer be providing 6 months, reducing it to 3. And the nurse who I know well (same family doc for 36 years) warned me to expect it to be 30 days by next year.
On top of that, they have been told to push the JAB for all holdouts (ME) and eventually refuse to see them if they refuse to comply.
My doc is retiring next year, specifically because of all this CRAP.
I told him 25yrs ago it was big mistake merging his practice with a hospital group. He said if he didn't do it they would put him out of business in 3 to 5 years, and promised he would regret it if he did not conform to the will and direction the industry was moving.
I felt for him then, and even more so now. It's truly a shame what these corporate a$holes have done to our medical system in this country.
Yeah I hear ya, problem is finding honest prosecutors and an honest judge willing to risk everything to hold any of them accountable.
And by "risk everything", I literally mean everything, from career, family and friends, house/home, standing in community to possibly their very lives and families members lives as well. I have heard some true horror stories about the lengths they have been willing to go to remove obstacles they believed were a true and dangerous threat. But just starting out with enough cash to purchase any outcome they desire unfortunately is far too often sufficient. Especially when those accepting the cash are well aware of what comes next if they don't just shut-up and take it.
And to think, America's medical industry was once the envy of the world, in every respect.
But I guess a lot of things used to be...
I wish you all the best in those things you are having to deal with as well. Seems never ending these days.
bravo to momma bear
My only comment is that those commie despots on that Board should be gone regardless.
Major boom! Well said!
Now follow the money for the entire medical industry.
Especially local and state hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses etc.
The numbers are mind numbing.
I was just informed today while making an appointment for med refills that will no longer be providing 6 months, reducing it to 3. And the nurse who I know well (same family doc for 36 years) warned me to expect it to be 30 days by next year.
On top of that, they have been told to push the JAB for all holdouts (ME) and eventually refuse to see them if they refuse to comply.
My doc is retiring next year, specifically because of all this CRAP. I told him 25yrs ago it was big mistake merging his practice with a hospital group. He said if he didn't do it they would put him out of business in 3 to 5 years, and promised he would regret it if he did not conform to the will and direction the industry was moving.
I felt for him then, and even more so now. It's truly a shame what these corporate a$holes have done to our medical system in this country.
Sorry to hear that. I'm going through something similar so I feel your pain. Hopefully, the lawsuits from the jabs will bring big pharma down.
Yeah I hear ya, problem is finding honest prosecutors and an honest judge willing to risk everything to hold any of them accountable.
And by "risk everything", I literally mean everything, from career, family and friends, house/home, standing in community to possibly their very lives and families members lives as well. I have heard some true horror stories about the lengths they have been willing to go to remove obstacles they believed were a true and dangerous threat. But just starting out with enough cash to purchase any outcome they desire unfortunately is far too often sufficient. Especially when those accepting the cash are well aware of what comes next if they don't just shut-up and take it.
And to think, America's medical industry was once the envy of the world, in every respect.
But I guess a lot of things used to be...
I wish you all the best in those things you are having to deal with as well. Seems never ending these days.
Take care and God Bless!