I just sent this email off. The world is about to make a sudden U-turn. The wheels have come off the bus. There is no way anyone can ethically support the vaccine anymore. They kill more people than they save for ALL age groups. The vaccine is dead. Mandates are unethical. Early treatment has ALWAYS been the superior solution. We need to stop listening to Fauci and the NIH if we want to end the pandemic. No more masks, no more lockdowns, no more social distancing, and no more mandates.
Hope he is right. whole message:
I just sent this email off. The world is about to make a sudden U-turn. The wheels have come off the bus. There is no way anyone can ethically support the vaccine anymore. They kill more people than they save for ALL age groups. The vaccine is dead. Mandates are unethical. Early treatment has ALWAYS been the superior solution. We need to stop listening to Fauci and the NIH if we want to end the pandemic. No more masks, no more lockdowns, no more social distancing, and no more mandates.
there is NO pandemic to end