Until the mainstream media covers it nothing will happen.
Not full on dooming or anything but I believe people are too stupid and too prideful to wake up. It’s truly going to take a full on economic collapse for people to wake up.
I am looking forward to the economic collapse and internet black out.
It’s not just the elites that are what’s wrong with this world. It’s the normies. They are the enablers of all of this. The rampant stupidity, narcissism, prideful, know it all attitude from them needs to be destroyed in devastating fashion. They must feel the pain of their actions and inactions in things that matter. They must experience a real crisis and real panic. Not a fake one like covid.
Without their entertainment and distractions they will be forced to see the truth.
Yes we’ll have to suffer through this with them. But we’re awake and prepared. Hell I think most of us in the end who have GME, silver etc. will profit from it.
Until the mainstream media covers it nothing will happen.
Not full on dooming or anything but I believe people are too stupid and too prideful to wake up. It’s truly going to take a full on economic collapse for people to wake up.
I am looking forward to the economic collapse and internet black out.
It’s not just the elites that are what’s wrong with this world. It’s the normies. They are the enablers of all of this. The rampant stupidity, narcissism, prideful, know it all attitude from them needs to be destroyed in devastating fashion. They must feel the pain of their actions and inactions in things that matter. They must experience a real crisis and real panic. Not a fake one like covid.
Without their entertainment and distractions they will be forced to see the truth.
Yes we’ll have to suffer through this with them. But we’re awake and prepared. Hell I think most of us in the end who have GME, silver etc. will profit from it.
Bring on the storm I say.
If they blackout the internet how will we know wen moon
Military controlled comms. It’s a big part of this. Some patriot Will explain it better than me.