There are 3 other studies where the authors were asked the same question and all three said they were not able to identify the purification level of the virus they were looking at. I was thinking the person I was responding to had an ancillary study that wasn’t one of those 4 studies.
I’ve looked into the “no isolated virus” theory. The PCR tests are stupid bc like the article you quoted, all it does is look for a specific known sequence in the viral genome. It could be only 4 bases long and therefore it would match with the “virus” and almost anything else hence why it can’t differentiate between flu and other coronaviruses.
However the “no isolated virus theory” always focuses on no virus has ever been isolated “pure without using cell cultures or reagents”. But viruses cannot replicate on their own, they always need a host cell. Virus by itself are not technically “alive” so be default they would need some medium ie a cell culture line for it to replicate on. They (the alt news) always focuses on the “no cell culture” angle. I’m not convinced that it’s true.
Personal opinion, but I think the whole no isolated virus is misinformation to make us look dumb.
It makes more sense that it was a regular coronavirus altered by gain of function. I suspect the virus was either not as contagious as they originally planned or it got weakened by white hats or it couldn’t survive on its own and has to be injected (via the vaccine) etc. They used the PCR to fake a pandemic and usher in tyrannical measures.
Ah, yes. The Wan Beom Park et al. Study done in mid March 2020.
Dr Wan Beom Park, when asked if his electron-micrographs show a purified isolate, responded:
“We did not obtain an electron micrograph showing the degree of purification.”
IOW, they weren’t working with a purified (isolated) virus.
There are 3 other studies where the authors were asked the same question and all three said they were not able to identify the purification level of the virus they were looking at. I was thinking the person I was responding to had an ancillary study that wasn’t one of those 4 studies.
I’ve looked into the “no isolated virus” theory. The PCR tests are stupid bc like the article you quoted, all it does is look for a specific known sequence in the viral genome. It could be only 4 bases long and therefore it would match with the “virus” and almost anything else hence why it can’t differentiate between flu and other coronaviruses.
However the “no isolated virus theory” always focuses on no virus has ever been isolated “pure without using cell cultures or reagents”. But viruses cannot replicate on their own, they always need a host cell. Virus by itself are not technically “alive” so be default they would need some medium ie a cell culture line for it to replicate on. They (the alt news) always focuses on the “no cell culture” angle. I’m not convinced that it’s true.
Personal opinion, but I think the whole no isolated virus is misinformation to make us look dumb.
It makes more sense that it was a regular coronavirus altered by gain of function. I suspect the virus was either not as contagious as they originally planned or it got weakened by white hats or it couldn’t survive on its own and has to be injected (via the vaccine) etc. They used the PCR to fake a pandemic and usher in tyrannical measures.
I can appreciate that perspective.