10 Days. Darkness.
If a lot of our assumptions are accurate, and the DS shuts down the internet to prevent dissemination of whatever’s coming tomorrow…
And if Oct 2/3 is suicide weekend,
The 11th day (no more darkness) would be Monday, October 4.
10 days of darkness to prevent normies from being able to see what’s going on?
Will we wake up the morning of Oct 4 to a bright new world?
If that’s the case, o7 to all of my GA frens - I’ll see you on the flip side!
We've been through a lot together, and although I feel like we've all grown closer through it all there are still some things left unsaid that I think we should clear up right now.
If this is really is it and we're in the final moments before the blackout begins, I need to know...
Are we still going to do Taco Tuesday next week, or would that be cancelled and it will just be a fend-for-yourself sammich night?
Taco Tuesday is still on, but it’s been moved to u/Oh_well_ian ‘s house - be sure to update your calendar.