Sorry - I made a mistake. Posted in good faith after a long day. Checked as far as I could, didn't spot the omission in the vid. Looking at it again it was clever the way Bannon talked over the guy and scrambled the essential point Won't trust anything he puts out again. Sorry for misleading and raising false hopes, me bad.
Thank you for the corrections. If I may just add; there is no need to be abusive - we all make mistakes. Bless you all.
Yeah, I made a mistake and broke my kneecap two days ago. It happens; some ppl are intolerant of mistakes unless they make one themselves, then they usually justify it to themselves and others. Admiration for the apology and retraction. My dad told me once that it takes a bigger man to admit when he’s wrong. I think he was right.
Its a case of preserving integrity and self respect - I always own up. I get looks of total surprise and shock when I do. A bit of humility can soften the hardest opponent: got angry with a guy over Brexit and apologised, he became more receptive to what I put out after that.
Get some Magnesium Oil on your knee (not if the skin is broken) aids healing.
All good. One purpose for posting is to vet info via hive mind. Helping discover an innacuracy or error is a valuable contribution to discerning truth. Thanks for contributing.
Yes, that's how we learn, thanks :)