Earlier today I took offense to something someone posted here, one of the mods. We got into a bit of a spate over it. Thankfully, we were able to talk it out in private messages. The situation made me realize that we are both under pressure and stressed about various things and current events. In retrospect, I feel we both overreacted at certain points. In the end, I learned from the interaction that, while we are wise to be vigilant and on our guards, we can never afford to jump too quickly to conclusions. We are all human, and we are all under a great deal of pressure. We must shoulder our collective burdens while being gracious in disagreement. The mod in question and I thankfully did just that in the end. We don't have to agree on everything, but we have each others' backs in this fight.
The truth is, smoothing this over was easy, because we share so much in common. But we must find ways to bridge the void between us and others, as well, even deluded Democrats and Biden supporters. The divisions in society are such that our movement cannot be about domination. It needs to be about unification under our great principles. We must promote the truth and we must seek out and develop common ground. True, there are some, even many, with whom we may never find common ground. But shame on us when we simply fail to find it due to our own pride and/or exhaustion with the fight.
Let's all strive to do better. I know I will. And when I fail, please correct me with kindness and I will try to respond the same.
Very true. Best of luck with your program.