Hey friends,
I've read many posts here on this topic, so looking to this community for advice. I think many of our familial, friend, and romantic relationships are being tested currently, and I'm looking for help on how to navigate my own.
My girlfriend (who I've seen as a future wife) and I have been together a while and are generally on the same page with all this chaos, she is totally against what is going on. However, recently both our jobs became a bit stricter in regards to their vaccine protocol. She told me today if her work ends up mandating it she will cave and get it even though she doesn't want to. I've told her she has free choice and while I disagree I would never tell her she can't do it.
With that said, I see this as a pretty giant red flag for anyone carrying this mindset. Me personally, if I don't want something in my body it is not going in under any circumstances regardless of who's asking (family, employer, etc.). If someone is willing to cave to their employer with this kind of pressure, what else will they cave to in life? How many other external influences will dictate their decisions?
She's a great girl and I love her dearly, but this whole situation has me questioning and reevaluating everything, including those I'm considering spending my life with. As much as I "trust the plan", things may not get better anytime soon and I want people by my side with backbones of steel.
Any advice from the community on this? Anyone else going through something similar? Looking to keep this as an open discussion, all feedback is appreciated.
YOU answer your own Question ! Do you want someone by your side that does not have a backbone of steel ! I think we both need to understand that it's not just this round of shots ! maybe she'll survive this round ! but they're not stopping , it's gonna be another round and another round and another round until they kill off as many as possible ! the more people who bend and get the shot the harder it is for us to stop them . the more that people decline the more it slows them down, and perhaps we can stop this depopulation murderous plan ! They will eventually kill her with this jab if not this round perhaps the next , it truly is Russian Roulette! If she gets ill or if she realizes the decision was wrong and decides not to get round two this winter or next spring she'll lose her job anyway , they're not going to say , oh you can keep your job because you did it the first time , that's not their plan! She will have to keep getting boosters until she's completely disabled or no longer here to submit . There was a post on here about a fiancé , woman , who went behind his back and got the jab , after they discussed the fact that they were not getting it. Every comment or 99 percent were Run , Run quick , I'm an MFT , I told him to run , she , was disloyal , and untrustworthy, he was somewhat making excuses for her decision! Your situation on the other hand is different , she's being honest , she's telling you she will get it! This is a relationship worth the time it will take for you to make a life changing decision . You are not married yet , if u were and she has life altering illness or disabilities from the jab , many 100 s of thousands do , will you stay with her ,, how old are you ? Is that what you want for your future ! To take care of somebody who is too ill or disabled to work any longer ! She will not be able to do the job that she risked her life for! She will be replaced, you both need to really talk about this , You need to watch videos of disabled people and read posts ,, there are 187 k comments from people grieving for their loved ones , she need to watch those videos and read the comments as if her life depended on it , because it does. She was honest with you , now it's your turn!
Thanks friend! Appreciate the thorough response. I will most definitely take the honesty route!
Don't forget to be honest with yourself most of all ! important , will you be able to live with this and most of all let it go if she does decide to get the Depop shot ? This could cause you a lot of grief in your relationship A huge tool for strife and division you don't want to argue over this after it's done if that's what her decision is
By the way you're very welcome you seem to be a very respectful centered young man I wish you the best of everything that this life can offer
Thanks friend, appreciate your wisdom. Conversation unfortunately did not go the way I would have liked, probably have some difficult decision making to perform here shortly.
This sucks, I want this to end but also have to remember that this is a larger plan. Just wish we knew what it was all for currently.