Ok first of all I am not vaccinated nor will I be getting jabbed...but here is the issue:
My In-laws are going to be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in Hawaii this coming summer...currently to go to Hawaii you have to have proof of full COVID vax...at least according to my father in law.
For the first time since the beginning of the vax program 8ish months ago my wife of 28 years allowed me to read to her a few of the proofs that the Vax is poison and certainly not safe or effective...She brought up that you could find anything to support your view on the internet...I mentioned the million dollar challenge...peer reviewed...stats from the CDC, FDA and other "credible" in her mind sources
I am looking for published reports that claim the vax is in fact safe and effective...I do not believe they exist...I think the lamestream media puppets what Fraudchi and big pharma no matter how obvious the lie but I challenged her to look for one. I am trying to find studies that claim "scientific" findings with stats that the vax's currently available are efficacious...
I am very concerned that if this crap show continues my wife will end up getting the Vax in order to go to her parent's celebration and then I will lose my wife of 28 years too soon due to vax complications a couple years down the road...
Yeah, exactly...that is why I am trying like crazy to sway her and inform her of the dangers...and have arguments against whatever she is able to dig up. I see the trend is more and more exposure of the fraud that is the VAX so hopefully it will be obvious enough to her and the rest of my unvaxxed family and friends that no one else will risk the jab
ok, with that in mind, facts do not matter. We like to think we are rational humans that make decisions based on logic; but we are deluded and do not understand our own motivations.
We ALL make decisions based on emotion. Then we use logic to justify our positions ( this is where confirmation bias comes in).
So don't bother spending time understanding her logical justifications and focus your time and energy understanding her emotional state and emotional reasons for her decisions.
To sway her, spend time looking at the videos of people that are experiencing adverse events. What is their lived experience like? How are they being treated by the medical professionals?
You are going to have to deal with a double whammy. She will be emotionally upset by the fact that all of her family may suffer adverse events and not want to leave them alone. And then is the cognitive dissodence of, "oh shit you really think they want us dead?"
Perhaps the best emotional argument is that if everyone she loves may suffer an adverse event isnt it better to be healthy so we are in a position to support them.
Good luck