Donald Trump can Save The World with One Word: Racine.
Racine, Wisconsin is the TRUMP card.
Racine is the Root, model and gateway used to rig the election, for COVID, for UN Agenda 21 and 2030 with the Great Deception of Sustainability, for smart cities and surveillance systems, for education and propaganda, for community health and policing, and for the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Expose the Root. Reveal the Agenda. Deny the Mark.
Donald Trump can Save The World with One Word: Racine.
Racine, Wisconsin is the TRUMP card.
Racine is the Root, model and gateway used to rig the election, for COVID, for UN Agenda 21 and 2030 with the Great Deception of Sustainability, for smart cities and surveillance systems, for education and propaganda, for community health and policing, and for the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Expose the Root. Reveal the Agenda. Deny the Mark.
Durham, NC
Here is one important connection between the two: