Wow that’s a crazy theory. I think we are going to find out that a lot of our physical illnesses are caused by parasites. Isn’t it strange that we worm our animals monthly/quarterly but never humans? I have wondered if transgenderism was increasing due to something suppressing male/female hormones like a vax or plastics, etc. Of course all of this has been part of our population in the past so it’s difficult to tell if it has increased or if the media made it trendy and people are just following. I will say, I don’t care how people present as long as they are good people and more importantly these days, that it’s not forced on our children as they deserve the right to just be kids and decide who they are as they grow up.
Wow that’s a crazy theory. I think we are going to find out that a lot of our physical illnesses are caused by parasites. Isn’t it strange that we worm our animals monthly/quarterly but never humans? I have wondered if transgenderism was increasing due to something suppressing male/female hormones like a vax or plastics, etc. Of course all of this has been part of our population in the past so it’s difficult to tell if it has increased or if the media made it trendy and people are just following. I will say, I don’t care how people present as long as they are good people and more importantly these days, that it’s not forced on our children as they deserve the right to just be kids and decide who they are as they grow up.
I'm beginning to think it's more than theory.
I'm not a Dr, but my nurse wife had no answer when I asked her "Why aren't people checked & treated for parasites?"
👇👇👇Huge if true 👇👇👇
Parasite Pill
That’s interesting but it reads like all these LARPing Q people and that turns me off.
What is the goal of parasites?
(({total complete world domination})) <R34DY?> [Liberal=END]
End of times.
(Hold) On.
Yea, it's interesting, at the very least it you should want to buy ivermectin after reading it.