One of the side effects of Covid is thought to be cancer. It can also accelerate the cancers of those previously in remission. Those who are “vaccinated”, who are scared of the unvaccinated are illogical. They are admitting the “vaccine” they took prevents nothing, but fail to realize what they are admitting.
I work with oncology patients and I definitely feel like the shot is causing cancers to appear and reappear. It will be interesting to compare cancer data this time next year.
One of the side effects of Covid is thought to be cancer. It can also accelerate the cancers of those previously in remission. Those who are “vaccinated”, who are scared of the unvaccinated are illogical. They are admitting the “vaccine” they took prevents nothing, but fail to realize what they are admitting.
I work with oncology patients and I definitely feel like the shot is causing cancers to appear and reappear. It will be interesting to compare cancer data this time next year.