The reason I ask is because my local school board, here in Canada, has just mandated masks for kindergarteners (my child's age) so I no longer have the option of sending him to school with no mask.
I want to solicit anyone's experience if they've sent their kids off to school wearing a mask while inside their conscience believing that doing so was wrong--and how, if anyone has done this, did they resolve the conflict in conscience. I want to know if there are ways I can resolve the conflict in my conscience without pulling my kid out of his school.
I really want to be pro-mask, pro-vax, pro-mandate etc because it'll lead to less friction and a more easy life for me (because my wife is all of those), but I can't because my own discernment, examination, and belief of the matter has made it's way into my value system.
My root issue is... What's more important: Less conflict in marriage by violating of my conscience or follow my conscience which will lead to conflict in my marriage? I pray and hope that my wife will wake up someday--that'll help.
If you set aside your conscience to "keep the peace", you're not doing your marriage any favors.
Hmmm.. I think the same too. Before, it was just a matters of beliefs about COVID so it didn't matter that much.
But now, our beliefs have day-to-day implications.
I'm really sorry, fren... but even smart people can fall prey to the brainwashing. It's very potent.
You should go have a talk with your pastor or priest. The Bible warns us from getting into marriages where they are "unequally yoked".
If your wife doesn't respect your decisions while expecting you to respect hers, you're in an unequally yoked marriage.
God is good. Out of the blue, a pastor at my church called me for admin stuff for a marriage course we registered for and we scheduled a time to meet.
Praise God! Keep walking in faith - everything else seems to work itself out!