The reason I ask is because my local school board, here in Canada, has just mandated masks for kindergarteners (my child's age) so I no longer have the option of sending him to school with no mask.
I want to solicit anyone's experience if they've sent their kids off to school wearing a mask while inside their conscience believing that doing so was wrong--and how, if anyone has done this, did they resolve the conflict in conscience. I want to know if there are ways I can resolve the conflict in my conscience without pulling my kid out of his school.
I really want to be pro-mask, pro-vax, pro-mandate etc because it'll lead to less friction and a more easy life for me (because my wife is all of those), but I can't because my own discernment, examination, and belief of the matter has made it's way into my value system.
My root issue is... What's more important: Less conflict in marriage by violating of my conscience or follow my conscience which will lead to conflict in my marriage? I pray and hope that my wife will wake up someday--that'll help.
Praise God! Keep walking in faith - everything else seems to work itself out!