The pope is an evil figurehead, Jesuits run the show. What Secret society were the jesuits in before they came out of the shadows and become the jack boot thugs of the vatican? Did the jesuits start the vatican/catholicism by integrating the decimated Church (study major persecutions first 2 centuries of Christianity) into pagan roman religions and rebranding it universal. No doubt it's the whore of babylon
How many ways can we disagee this vax is NOT the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast is tied to a new world religion. Time to read revelations again about the 3 beasts and false prophets.
I'm convinced the clot-shot is a precursor to the mark but likely not the mark itself. I think it is meant to bring about crisis that makes people more accepting of whatever false savior the elites push on us.
If we are the Temple of the Lord, as the Body of Christ, and the vaccine separates your soul from your flesh, would it not be the abomination of desolation?
I can understand your point of view. Still, very hard to make the connection between a worshipping a false god and submitting to a government vaccine mandate
Vatican. is the belly of the beast.
How does a catholic complain about fetal tissue when this fake is for the vaccine?
The head of the snake. Time to crush it. This is coming from a lifelong Catholic.
Save Christianity and destroy the Vatican.
The pope is an evil figurehead, Jesuits run the show. What Secret society were the jesuits in before they came out of the shadows and become the jack boot thugs of the vatican? Did the jesuits start the vatican/catholicism by integrating the decimated Church (study major persecutions first 2 centuries of Christianity) into pagan roman religions and rebranding it universal. No doubt it's the whore of babylon
How many ways can we disagee this vax is NOT the mark of the beast. The mark of the beast is tied to a new world religion. Time to read revelations again about the 3 beasts and false prophets.
I'm convinced the clot-shot is a precursor to the mark but likely not the mark itself. I think it is meant to bring about crisis that makes people more accepting of whatever false savior the elites push on us.
If we are the Temple of the Lord, as the Body of Christ, and the vaccine separates your soul from your flesh, would it not be the abomination of desolation?
No. The abomination of desolation is when the Antichrist, the Son of Perdition, stands in the Holy Place and declares himself equal to God.
I can understand your point of view. Still, very hard to make the connection between a worshipping a false god and submitting to a government vaccine mandate