Jam-packed with info about the worst scheme of mass murder and mayhem in human history 52 pages- David John Sorenson and Dr. Vladamir Zelenko
Jam-packed with info about the worst scheme of mass murder and mayhem in human history 52 pages- David John Sorenson and Dr. Vladamir Zelenko
Page 29 from the first pdf: 😥
First of all he testifies that neither he or any of the other funeral directors he knows saw an increase of deaths during the so called pandemic. That was striking, as on television they constantly saw mass numbers of deaths propagated, but in the real world there was not a sign of that. During March 2020 however, John was suddenly called night after night, for three weeks, specifically to care homes. All who died there were labeled as covid. He never saw a doctor in attendance, nor a covid test once. At the same time there was a sudden 1,000% increase of purchases of Midazolam. A nurse told him secretly how they were instructed to administer lethal doses of this drug to the elderly, to mass exterminate them. These high numbers of deaths were then used to promote the narrative of a 'covid pandemic'.