What in the actual fuck
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My friend got the second dose about a month ago. She had a miscarriage this past weekend, 9 weeks pregnant. She wasn't pregnant on the first dose. She feels horrible, and I would never suggest to her that it might have been the vax that caused it, but I can't help to think it was.
You need to tell her. We are grown enough to have children, she needs to know the truth so she doesn’t jab anything into her future children. It’s important!
She was adamant about refusing the vax, her boss wouldn't let up about it and she ended up getting it. I'm sure she's put the correlation together by now. She's very upset and I don't want to be the guy that's like, told you so.
She got married late, we are all in our 40s, so probably age might have something to do with it also. No need for me to make it worse.