So there I was, a syringe of the horse dewormer from Tractor Supply Co for $12.99 in one hand, a spoonful of no-sugar-added peanut butter in the other hand. I over dispensed the amount I was supposed to take onto the spoon of peanut butter. It was enough Zimecterin for a 250 lb horse, but I’m only 200 lbs! I waited for a couple of hours, and then that’s when it all started.
Nothing. Nothing happened from me taking an increased amount from the recommended dosage for horses and it’s been around 16 hours. Nothing yet, at least. Here’s to hoping this annoying case of blepharitis goes away and the pimple-like bumps on my scalp stop coming up. Will probably take some more in a couple of weeks in case any babes are hatched inside of me.
My wife took three 200 lbs doses over 10 days in late July when she had covid. She weighs about 145. Zero issues.
It's interesting because my gf's mother works as a "hospital manager", not sure really what that entails, but nonetheless has been fed the same propaganda that "horse dewormer" is sending a lot of people into the hospital, along with the delta variant sending a lot of young people into the hospital. It's terrible what media and the higher-ups are telling their employees for fear mongering purposes. Sickening.
Generally the recommended doses on any medicine are far below the dangerous levels. I'm not saying be an idiot and down an entire 1,250 lbs tube, but 20-40% more of most any medicine will still be within a safe range typically.
This is true, when I ODed (it was on purpose was trying to end my life) I had to calculate out how much I needed to take and it was shockingly close to the entire pill bottle I had.
Did you have any sort of NDE when you attempted suicide? Curious what you saw or if you had any sort of other-wordly experience.