We've all seen the videos by now. There is something seriously wrong with all of them and the contaminants, parasites, and unknown structures being found at alarming rates. That got me thinking.
Maybe the question we should be asking everyone is "what's in the vax"? It's a fair question to ask. Whether vaxxed or not, wouldn't everyone want to know? Only the 4-6% won't care - lost forever.
Dark winter is upon us. They will be dropping like flies soon. Imagine what will happen when those who have been jabbed realize they were injected with God knows what.
I pray when Trump returns to the public trust, that there are therapies available to reverse the effects of this poison.
Dr. Carrie Madej looked at Covid jab under the microscope: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/dr-carrie-madej-first-us-lab-examines-vaccine-vials-horrific-findings-revealed/
Dr. Robert Young Electron Microscope: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/transmission-electron-microscopy-reveals-graphene-oxide-in-cov-19-vaccines
Trypanosoma Parasite: https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/trypanosoma-cruzi-parasite-picture-id1137553574?k=6&m=1137553574&s=170667a&w=0&h=cdwSBtQc7dPSLQ6flezxl_-_xm5R9EZtFG16EzoTyuA=
Self-Assembling Nanotech Found in Moderna Vaccine: https://ambassadorlove.wordpress.com/2021/08/17/self-assembling-nanotech-found-in-moderna-vaccine/
Graphene Oxide, Metals and more found by America Scientists. (includes undisclosed metals and more): https://rightsfreedoms.wordpress.com/2021/09/02/american-scientists-confirm-toxic-graphene-oxide-and-more-in-covid-injections/
Excellent. The domain whatsinthevax.com is available. Need to put up that site and load it with this type of info. Print sticker, hang banners, hashtag campaign - WHATS IN THE VAX.com