Passing stuff like this means nothing anymore. We're broke. We have no such money to be giving to anyone.
It's all a pretend that the government is feeding us.....But, it won't be long when a $100 bill will be worth a value of a $1.
We see China's economy tanking. We know that once their economy crashes, that they won't just crawl under the ground and accept that. No, they're going to be going after every Country that owes them a fortune. We are on the very top of that list of owing debt to them. They will get that debt paid, even if it means inheriting our Country and its spoils.
Our Country is broke. Our elections are fraudulent. Our politicians are corrupt. War is on the horizon. It's not about We the People, it's about We the Government. It's no longer In God We Trust, but In Satan We Enforce.
Pray. Pray. Pray. God IS in control. He will use certain individuals to accomplish Goodness and Greatness.
who are the 15 traitor RINOS?