Teacher Ordered To Remove ‘Political’ Blue Line Flag, But BLM And Pride Flags Are Allowed
🧠 These people are stupid!
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If I were that teacher, I would make up a different flag in honor of the police (that isn't a blue line flag).
Now let's see if they order me to remove that one too.
Then I'd make up still a different flag... and see if it also gets banned.
Before long, either they come out with a strict policy stating which flags are solely allowed... which will then start a discrimination lawsuit... or they get tired of me making up alternative flags that each make the same point.
By the way, my Pro-Police flags would come in all sorts of controversial designs. For example... I'd make up one that has ALL Latino police on it. :>) Let's see them ban that one. The next flag, the police will be ALL Asians and Black officers holding hands. :>) I would make up a pro-police flag that has Martin Luther King's image on it, or something like that. Let them keep banning those flags.
Let the discrimination lawsuits fly. Each one would get photos sent to the national press... so everyone can see what the district is ordered to be banned this week.