I'm looking forward to the end of Luciferian abuse, especially of the victims they get their hands on personally, but also for us all, an honest revealing of all their major lies and crimes, the abusers tried and punished, an antidote for these dangerous vaccines, respect for our liberty, a population not pitted against each other, nourishing, unpoisoned food, water, and air, withheld technology released, withheld cures released, important secrets about our nature and the nature of the universe released, much more health care freedom, real money, lower taxes, a much easier tax filing process (or none at all), sane immigration policies, a reasonably honest media, commies cleared out of schools and universities, elected officials we actually vote for, companies that have to compete for our business instead of getting government bailouts for pushing the left's agenda, individuals able to start companies without endless red tape and ridiculous regulations, an end to all COVID abuse, an end to security theatre at the airports, reasonable laws enforced, laws and legal documents written in plain English, jail for criminals and actual rehabilitation for those who can be rehabilitated, music, theatre, movies created by people not selected by Luciferians and not pushing leftist propaganda, and whatever miracles I can't anticipate. Too much to ask for?
I'm looking forward to the end of Luciferian abuse, especially of the victims they get their hands on personally, but also for us all, an honest revealing of all their major lies and crimes, the abusers tried and punished, an antidote for these dangerous vaccines, respect for our liberty, a population not pitted against each other, nourishing, unpoisoned food, water, and air, withheld technology released, withheld cures released, important secrets about our nature and the nature of the universe released, much more health care freedom, real money, lower taxes, a much easier tax filing process (or none at all), sane immigration policies, a reasonably honest media, commies cleared out of schools and universities, elected officials we actually vote for, companies that have to compete for our business instead of getting government bailouts for pushing the left's agenda, individuals able to start companies without endless red tape and ridiculous regulations, an end to all COVID abuse, an end to security theatre at the airports, reasonable laws enforced, laws and legal documents written in plain English, jail for criminals and actual rehabilitation for those who can be rehabilitated, music, theatre, movies created by people not selected by Luciferians and not pushing leftist propaganda, and whatever miracles I can't anticipate. Too much to ask for?